ImGUI Blur


Apr 14, 2022
To achieve a blur effect on an ImGUI element, you can use an ImGUI add-on library called "ImGuizmo" which provides a variety of additional graphical features, including blurring.

Here's how you can use ImGuizmo to apply a blur effect to an ImGUI element:
  1. Download the ImGuizmo library: You can download ImGuizmo from the official GitHub repository
  2. Include the ImGuizmo header file in your project: Add the following line of code to your C++ source code file: #include "ImGuizmo.h"
  3. Call the ImGuizmo function to apply a blur effect: Use the ImGuizmo::RenderBlur() function to apply a blur effect to an ImGUI element. The function takes three arguments: the texture ID, the size of the element, and the strength of the blur effect.
Here's an example of how you can apply a blur effect to an ImGUI element:
ImGui::Begin("My Window");

// Create a texture ID for the element
GLuint textureID = ...; // Load your texture here

// Get the size of the element
ImVec2 size = ImGui::GetWindowSize();

// Set the strength of the blur effect
float blurStrength = 10.0f;

// Call the ImGuizmo function to render the blurred element
ImGuizmo::RenderBlur(textureID, size, blurStrength);


Note that you'll need to initialize ImGuizmo before using it, which involves setting up a few things like a shader program and vertex buffer objects. You can find more information on how to do this in the ImGuizmo documentation.